Charlotte Blickle for selects


Charlotte Blickle (@charlotteblickle) — 180 cm / 5’11” — German/British/American from Detroit, Michigan, USA — born January 16th — she/her.

Divide Management (mother agency), IDENTITY (New York), Why Not Model Management (Milan)

— Who is your favorite entertainer?
Hmm, that’s a tough one. I have several people who, at any point, could be my favorite, but I’d probably have to say, Pamela Anderson. I love how she never let others tear her down, and how she was able to keep on going in life after everything she had to go through, and everything the media was saying about her. I especially love that she is an active campaigner for animal rights and is involved with organizations like PETA.

— One thing people may be surprised to find out about you:
I have a basic degree in social work and I always thought I would become either a social worker or a teacher.

— The most interesting thing about your family:
We used to move a LOT.  We have lived in Detroit (USA); Aurora (Canada); Devon (England); and Frankfurt (Germany). We are also all very close. All four of my brothers are people I look up to. Because we moved so much, we all became best friends. We are all fluent in English and German, but when we speak, our accents all sound completely different. I find that very funny.